IZFS Announces 2024 Election Results

IZFS Announces Election Results

The International Zebrafish Society (IZFS) is pleased to announce the results of the 2024 Board of Directors election.

IZFS Officers

Cecilia B. Moens, PhD
Washington, USA
Mary Goll, PhD
Georgia, USA

IZFS Regional Representatives

Europe & West Asia Regional Representative
Pascale Bomont, PhD
Lyon, France
US & Canada Regional Representative
Marc Ekker, PhD
Ottawa, Canada
US & Canada Regional Representative
Mayssa H. Mokalled, PhD
Missouri, USA
Europe & West Asia Regional Representative
Steffen Scholpp, PhD
Exeter, UK
Europe & West Asia Regional Representative
Natascia Tiso, MSc, PhD
Padua, Italy

Congratulations to the newly elected leaders of the society! The newly elected Board members will begin their term after the Board of Directors meeting at the 18th International Zebrafish Conference. Dr. Moens will serve as President-Elect for one year before ascending the President for one year, then Immediate Past President for one year. Drs. Goll, Ekker, Mokalled, Scholpp and Tiso will serve three-year terms in their respective roles.

Thank you to all of the candidates for their dedication and interest in serving our growing society. We are grateful to all of the IZFS members who voted in this year's election.

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