Post-doc position in Neuroscience: Uppsala University


Uppsala University

Date Posted:  May 29, 2024
City: Uppsala
Country: Sweeden
Primary Category: Research
Type of Position: Postdoc


Description and Details:

We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral position within the Zebrafish Neuronal Networks group at the Dept. of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology (Uppsala University, Sweden). Our research group currently consist of two post-docs, one PhD student and a lab-manager.  We investigate the formation and function of neuronal networks in zebrafish, with a focus on the locomotor network in the spinal cord (established research line) and emotional processing in the brain (new research line). Our goal is to connect the formation of a neuronal circuit with its functionality at both a cellular and an organism level. We do this by using a range of techniques to reveal how cells are generated and integrated within a network and how their activity affects behaviour. For example, we employ CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knock-in to label new neuronal populations to observe their integration within the nervous system through time-lapse imaging taken with Confocal and Light-Sheet microscopy. To study the function of specific neurons within a circuit we use optogenetics and calcium imaging combined with the analysis of animal behaviour.  Furthermore, we use single cell RNA sequencing to identify subspecialization within neuronal populations and aim to establish viral tracing to investigate the connectome of defined neuronal populations.

For more information regarding our research, see the links below:


Uppsala University

Uppsala is a university city of 172.000 people that cater to all needs in a picturesque setting located only half an hour by train from the capital Stockholm. Uppsala University was founded in 1477 and has 46.000 students and 7.300 employees. The department offers courses in pedagogics and plenty of teaching opportunities for those aspiring an academic career. There are possibilities of entering mentoring programs and both the department and university have active post-doc associations.


Applicants should have demonstrated outstanding performance throughout their previous studies by publications in peer-reviewed international journals. The candidate should be highly motivated, organized, and able to work independently. Strong English skills, both written and spoken, are required. Candidates should have a PhD degree and practical experience in one or more of the following is desired and meriting:

  • Zebrafish as a model system (Felasa C)
  • Optogenetics
  • Calcium imaging
  • Viral tracing in neurons
  • Single cell RNA sequencing
  • Data analysis using MATLAB or Python
  • Light-sheet, confocal, and/or 2-photon imaging
  • Electrophysiology

How to Apply

The positions are available immediately, with funding for 1 year with the possibility of an extension. Interested candidates should send their applications; cover letter including a brief statement of research interests and technical expertise, CV, publication list, as well as contact details of references directly to Dr. Boije (



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