News from the Zebrafish Community

*IZFS member names are in bold.

Sincere thanks to All Things Zebrafish @ZebrafishRock for help via the #DanioDigest.  Follow him on Twitter for up to the moment Zebrafish community news!


  • Dr. Marnie Halpern named Chair of the Department of Molecular and Systems Biology at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine. Dr. Halpern was previously at the Carnegie Institution for Science and adjunct professor of Biology and Neuroscience at John’s Hopkins University.
  • Dr. James Amatruda named Endowed Chair of Sarcoma Research in the Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases and the Division of Hematology, Oncology, and Blood and Marrow Transplantation at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, and Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California.  Dr. Amatruda was previously on the faculty at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
  • Dr. Ryan MacDonald, a BBSRC David Philllips Fellow joined the Institute of Ophthalmology at University College London from the University of Sheffield.

Promotions, Award, and Honors:

  • Dr. Steve Ekker named the new Dean of Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in May.
  • Dr. Len Zon, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital, received the 2019 American Society of Hematology Mentor Award.
  • Dr. Misha Ahrens, Janelia Research Campus, was awarded the Eric Kandel Young Neuroscientist Prize for 2019 by the Hertie Foundation and the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies.
  • Dr. Ariel A. Bazzini, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, was named a 2019 Innovation Fund Investigator by the Pew Charitable Trusts.
  • Dr. Johannes Larsch, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, was awarded a 2019 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.
  • Dr. Liangliang Sun, Michigan State University, was awarded an NSF Early CAREER Award to develop novel mass spectrometry-based analytical methods with greater sensitivity to identify and quantify proteins when cellular material is limited. He will use this technology to explore chromatin-associated proteins during early embryogenesis in zebrafish.


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